JW Broadcasting reminds me of the Kiddie Shows I watched on TV when I was a child back in the 1950s. I think Lett missed his calling. - ATHANSIUS
He's not unlike Soupy Sales who made goofy faces and asked kids to sent him the "little green pieces of paper with faces on them" that their mommies and daddies had in their wallets.
if a thread has been made about this i apologize.. if anyone has not seen the latest hbo documentary release, "going clear: scientology and the prison of belief" i cannot recommend highly enough that you watch it.
as the majority of us here are either survivors of or still trapped in a cult ourselves, this documentary will most certainly intrigue you.
it's the most in-depth and extensively researched documentary on scientology ever and features interviews with ex-scientologists who were right at the top until they fell foul of their megalomaniacal, paranoid chairman of the board, david miscavige.. i have read some of l. ron hubbard's books out of curiosity and outright dismissed them as utter nonsense.
[note: copy/pasted this with permission from reddit.].
once each year, the governing body writes a direct letter to the congregation members included in the yearbook.
in his annual message to the catholic faithful (urbi et orbi) delivered on christmas day, the pope spoke about world peace, terrorism, and the refugee crisis.
this was how it was described to me yesterday by a brother who has been there for some 40 years.
"everyone is about gone; the governing body is set to leave within 2 months; the kitchen and laundry personnel are gone and i have to fend for myself now.".
"also the aggravation of 4 to 5 business men in suits with clipboards daily checking out the watchtower properties.
the 2016 yearbook is up on jw.orgbranches of jehovahs witnesses: 89 (was 90)number of lands reporting: 240 (was 239)total congregations: 118016 (was 115416)worldwide memorial attendance: 19,862,763 (was 19,950,019) decreasememorial partakers worldwide: 15,177 (was 14,121 in 2013:13,204) large increasepeak of publishers in kingdom service: 8,220,105 (was 8,201,205) minor increaseaverage publishers preaching each month: 7,987,279 (was 7,867,958)percentage of increase over 2014: 1.5 (was 2.2)total number baptized: 260,273 (was 275,581)average auxiliary pioneer publishers each month: 443,504 (was 635,298) huge decreaseaverage pioneer publishers each month: 1,135,210 (was 1,089,446)total hours spent in field: 1,933,473,727 (was 1,945,487,604) decreaseaverage home bible studies each month: 9,708,968 (was 9,499,933)
SPARROWDOWN - from my experience, that (dropping the g's) is very NYC/Northern NJ-ish. Actually more of New Jersey than NY. Perhaps it happens other places as well.